How to allow guest post in blogger?

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Guest posting is an amazing way to create traffic to your blog. You might have posted a lot on your website but now you want others too, to post on your site. That's great, it will help you to build up relation with other bloggers, which in turn will definitely provide you good traffic.


Guest posting is writing on someone else blog as an author. You have to write as per the guidelines issued by the administrator. Guest posting is usually done to get traffic and creating a goodwill for the writer.

Guest posting is always done as per the guidelines of the administrator. If you are a newbie then you must do a guest post as it will help you to get recognised by others. Also, it will help your readers to know about your site.
An effective guest post helps one to get a huge traffic. So, you have to write in such a way which can help you to get a huge traffic. Your post should be meaningful and should be able to get your readers attention. Your post should not make your readers get bored.


If you are a blogger in blog spot then allowing guest posting is quite different from others, for example in WordPress to allow guest posting you have to use certain plugins.
The case is not the same in blog spot.
The first and foremost thing you should know is if you allow guest posting it won`t dilute your rights.
Your authors can only write, share and edit their posts only and they have very limited options.

To add authors follow the steps as stated below:

  • Go to your Dashboard.
  • Click on settings.
  • You will get your basic setting.
  • Below you will see the option for 'add author', here you can add as many authors you want and can remove them anytime.
  • Click on that option.
  • Write the email address of the author whom you want to add, then click on 'invite authors'.
  • You can invite as many authors as you want.
  • An invitation will be sent to your authors and when they will accept their invitations they can then post on your site.
  • Later on, if you want to add your authors as an administrator, you can also do that easily.
When your authors will accept the invitations, you will be able to see their ID below your one. Beside their Id, you will see an option as' author'. When you will click on that you will see another option below it as' administrator'. When you will click on the 'administrator', your author will be added as an administrator in your blog. And he/she will be able to enjoy the same rights as you enjoy.

Hope this helps you. Any query, do comment below. And you can subscribe to know more, also you can like my page on facebook as' krishnakanta.'

See you in my next article. Till then all the best and keep blogging :)


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